Saïdo Lehlouh: CORE

French choreographer Saïdo Lehlouh thrilled the audience at the Kunstmeile Hamburg on Saturday with a spectacular performance program. Together with the Kampnagel International Summer Festival, the Kunstmeile venues invited the public to a free, all-day performance program at the institutions, which came to a grand finale at the Rathausmarkt.

From flamenco dancer Israel Galván at the Kunstverein, to dancer Ndoho Ange - who performed together with singer and harpist Sophye Soliveau at the Kunsthalle - to the joint work of Saïdo Lehlouh and Johanna Faye in the centre of the current exhibition at the Deichtorhallen: The diverse programme, consisting of further outstanding performances at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, the Bucerius Kunst Forum and the Kunsthaus Hamburg, attracted over 2,000 spectators. Through the individual stations spread throughout the day and the institutions, a connecting line was drawn between the six venues in dialogue with the visual arts, highlighting the diverse cultural offerings in the city centre. Often in groups, the audience made their way between the institutions to visit the next performance, inspired by what they had just seen. In the evening, the day ended with a large final performance in front of the town hall, which was attended by the performers and over 100 other dancers who had been invited via an open call.

Photo Credit: Alexandra Polina