Kunsthaus Hamburg, 05.04.–08.06.25

Over Land and Sea

Teresa Solar Abboud, Osteoclast (I do not know how I came to be on board this ship, this navel of my ark), 2021, Courtesy die Künstlerin und Travesía Cuatro, Foto: Pablo Gómez Ogando

The group show Over Land and Sea tells of the migrant history of humanity, its present and future. In a tension between the tangible and the mythical, the animate and the industrial world, the works on display point to the vulnerability of human beings and, simultaneously, their inherent ability to change and transform. They encourage a humanistic reflection on the way we live today.

In the exhibition hall of the Kunsthaus, a hybrid world unfolds, in which fiction and reality interfuse. At the centre are the monumental kayaks by Teresa Solar Abboud. They draw parallels between bones – parts of the locomotor system, carriers of tissue – and ships – vehicles of migration, conveyers of people and knowledge. Through the interplay with the video work by Allora & Calzadilla, the sound installation by Louis d’Heudières and Nina Kuttler as well as the bas-reliefs by Eliška Konečná, a web of associations arises that widens the subjects underlying the sculptures to include ecological, social and moral questions in a way which is both concrete and sensual.

Participating artists: Allora & Calzadilla, Louis d’Heudières & Nina Kuttler, Eliška Konečná, Teresa Solar Abboud

Curated by Anna Nowak

Kindly supported by Claussen-Simon-Stiftung

Kunsthaus Hamburg

Opening Hours:
Tue – Sun 11 am – 6 pm Mon closed
Klosterwall 15 20095 Hamburg

+49 40 335803 info@kunsthaushamburg.de www.kunsthaushamburg.de