Watch! Watch! Watch! Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of the most famous photographers of the 20th century. As a photojournalist, art photographer and portraitist, he created timeless compositions and shaped the style of subsequent generations of photographers. With his flair for the "decisive moment", he captured spontaneous encounters and situations and became one of the most important representatives of street photography, whose works have become icons.
The Bucerius Kunst Forum is dedicating the first major retrospective in Germany since 20 years to the co-founder of the legendary Magnum photo agency. In addition to the early, surrealist-influenced photographs and film works as well as the political photo reportages, Cartier-Bresson's portraits of well-known artists and writers will also be shown, as well as his later photographs, which focus on everyday human behavior.
The exhibition presents 240 original prints as well as numerous publications in magazines and books, shedding light on the photographer's life's work from the 1930s to the 1970s.
The Exhibition is organized by Bucerius Kunst Forum and Fundación MAPFRE in collaboration with Fondation Henri Cartier- Bresson.
The exhibition is under the patronage of the French Ambassador, H.E. François Delattre.
The exhibition is sponsored by M.M.Warburg & CO and Hapag-Lloyd Stiftung.

Bucerius Kunst Forum

+49 (0)40 36 09 96 0 buceriuskunstforum.de info@buceriuskunstforum.de